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5th October 2009

The title of this blog isn’t going to surprise anyone who knows me. My dislike of the character of Hollis Mann is pretty well known on here….and probably elsewhere by now. I thought, however, I would explain my reasons why.

I consider Hollis Mann to be the most badly conceived character in the show. It was as if it was “Let’s give Gibbs a girlfriend. And, oooohhhh, maybe we can make her an officer. Gibbs was a gunny. With his attitude to officers.. this will be so much fun!” To pinch a well known NCIS phrase: Ya think?

No two people could have been more mismatched than the dictatorial, by-the-book Hollis Mann, and the maverick Leroy Jethro Gibbs. A less likely pair of lovebirds I have yet to see.

I found Hollis Mann loud, annoying, bossy, competitive and just downright irritating. Everything she did, she had to come out on top. No matter what the cost. Not the world’s most likeable character. Not the sort of person I could see Gibbs falling in love with.

The whole thing felt wrong. It was more like a wrestling match than a love match. Both participants fighting for supremacy in the relationship.

If Gibbs needs a love interest, and personally I don’t think he does, then make her someone gentle, who puts Gibbs first and stays in the background. Like Ducky’s lady Jordan Hampton. We see her occasionally, but the character does not continually intrude into the story lines.

LAST UPDATE ON 6th October 2009, 6.24AM Australian Time


5th October

Playing with daisies here, metaphorically speaking that is, trying to guess whether NCIS will make a hat trick in the audience ratings. So far, the first 2 episodes of the season have been run away winners taking 1st place on both occasion, but will they make it 3? Therein lies the question. A priori, they have all the cards given the distance between 1st and 2nd place in their time slot, and of course ‘no hay 2 sin 3’ as they say in Spanish. Hence my idling away the time with the daisy game of pulling each petal off, and instead of he loves me, he loves me not, I substituted with hat trick yes, hat trick no.

It’s very tempting to say yes they’ll definitely get 1st place, there again putting all one’s eggs in one basket without backup, not the most sensible thing. How many times in a game of pelota a mano one player has been winning 20 – 2, to then lose 20 – 22, or any other game for that matter. I’ve seen too many matches of pelota vasca in its different modalities to place all my money on NCIS getting 1st place, a different kettle of fish, would be better betting English horse race style, where you have the option of betting to win or betting both ways, the former its winner takes all, and the latter coming 2nd or 3rd (and occasionally 4th as in the Grand National), also score winnings.

Of course, if you don’t risk, where’s the fun? And of course the S.A.S. motto is He who dares, wins. Clearly betting and taking risks is quite an art, although in this stage of the game, there isn’t much risk in betting all one’s money on NCIS getting the hat trick. Any punters among the British fans? I’m sure any of the large Bookies would accept the bet, I mean let’s face if we can bet on the weather being fine for August Bank Holiday and whether Man. United will beat Real Madrid in a UEFA match, or whether England will lose the Ashes to Australia in cricket, why not on audience ratings. I’m sure we could devise some kind of football pool format, there. Not that I’m encouraging gambling, I’m not; it’s a merely a euphemism for me to waffle on about possible ratings for tomorrow’s episode The Inside Man. Interesting episode title that sounds like a John Le Carré novel.

Well, that’s all for today, short and sweet, and all things neat.

Y con esto y un bizcocho, se acabó lo que se dió.

LAST UPDATE ON 5th October 2009 7:20- PM – CET


4th October 2009

Time to take a look at the suitability of another character as boyfriend material. This time I turn the microscope on CIA weasel Trent Kort.

We don’t know much about Kort. His past is very much a mystery to us. He may have a wife and 6 children tucked away somewhere. Or possibly even bat for the other team, as the saying goes.

Kort is relatively good looking. If you like the unshaven weasel look. He dresses well and is clearly intelligent. Kort is also devoted to the wellbeing of the USA. A country not his own. Kort does have a few moral scruples. He does not support the use of torture. However, these are about all the good points that Trent Kort has. Or rather, the ones we have been shown.

On the downside, Kort will lie and cheat to serve his own ends and the ends of the CIA. He stole CIA files to give to Gibbs. It is never made clear in “Dead Reckoning” is he is stealing the money for his own ends or those of the CIA. Kort also never denied blowing up DiNozzo’s car, which could have killed both Tony and Jeanne.

So, where do we stand? If you were looking for an exciting, thrill filled time, you could probably do no worse than take up with Trent Kort. If you were looking for a loving, strong relationship – forget it.

LAST UPDATE ON 5th October 2009, 6.51AM Australian Time


4 de octubre

Todavía nos quedan unos 4 capítulos de la 6ª temporada en el estado español, mientras que en el EEUU estarán acercandóse al ecuador de la 7ª. Resulta un tanto ¿cómo diría yo? surreal está hablando de la 6ª y la 7ª como temporadas nuevas, ya que en Europa por no decir medio mundo la 6ª sigue siendo la nueva temporada en tanto que o justo han empezado, están a medio camino o acabando como nosotr@s mientras que en EEUU ya es la vieja temporada. Parece mentira en esta era de globalización e información sobre cualquier punto del mundo en un instante, y sin embargo, sigue habiendo desfases en las emisiones de teleseries y películas, salvo que retrasen los estrenos en el país de origen. Algo que pueda resultar práctico en cuanto a las pelis, como por ejemplo con las de Harry Potter, para crear expectación pero en las cadenas de televisión sería inadmisible.

Sin embargo, yo me pregunto, y tal vez sea una idiotez lo que vaya a decir, pero, acaso con las series de grandes éxitos como Navy y unas cuantas más ¿no podían estrenarlas en V.O. en alguna cadena con subtítulos? No creo que a la peña las vaya a importar, si no, que me expliquen como la obra de 1984 dirigida por Tim Robbins que escenifican en V.O. por todo el estado español con subtítulos como cuando hay opera, y el cartel de ‘no hay billetes’ se ha colgado en todas las funciones; y estamos hablando de teatro, o sea para la tele mejor todavía.

Yo creo que una de las razones por las cuales las pelis en V.O. no funcionan en el cine es porque por regla general ponen pelis tan indie, que solo interesarán a las madres de los componentes de la misma, mientras si pones algo de gran interés pues el público va, no voy a decir en raudales, pero va. Bien que recuerdo cuando echaron Thelma y Louise en inglés en Bilbao, se llenaron todas las sesiones, y os digo yo que la mayor parte de la peña no entendían ni papa de inglés.

Asi que por la misma regla de 3, yo les planteo a los de LaSexta, ¿por qué no echaís la nueva temporada de Navy en V.O. con substítulos? Eso no quita que cuando lo vayan a repetir lo pongan en versión subtitulada. Pero yo creo sinceramente, que la serie podría tener aún más éxito en el estado español por echar lo en V.O., además yo creo que sería un buen gancho para animar a la peña a estudiar inglés y mejorar el nivel. La serie tiene una variedad de acentos para todos los gustos y por termino general todos los actores vocalizan bien. El problema podría estar en la jerga, pero eso también pasa dentro del estado español, en Bilbao o Euskal Herria en general tenemos unos giros que no se usan en Catalunya, Zaragoza, Andalucía, etc., y no pasa nada.

O sea, si no hay chines para doblar la serie bien y con rápidez que nos la echen en V.O. con subtítulos y ¡hala que chuta!

Bueno, con esto creo que ya he rayado suficiente para hoy ¿no? – No hace falta que me contesteís, que lo s.

Y con esto y un bizcocho, se acabó lo que se dió.


LAST UPDATE ON 4 de octubre de 2009 20:25H – CET

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