24th September 2009
Thanks to the great feedback I got on this blog, I thought I would take a second look at the subject.
There were a couple of things that I didn’t include that others felt should have been mentioned. A number of people were very unhappy with the death of Paula Cassidy in “Grace Period”. The general consensus was that the death was unnecessary. That the character should have been kept on. However, as Det.Beckett pointed out, at least she went out with a bang. I am not sure if the pun was intended or not!
The long winded La Grenouille story arc annoyed a lot of people. People kept pointing out that with the closeness of the team, someone should have picked up that there was something suspicious about all the “errands” Tony kept running. Also the fact that Tony didn’t ask more questions about the assignment rankled as well. Tony is not a “yes” man. That he would just blithely go along with Jenny’s plans is unlikely in the extreme.
The Palmer-Lee fling copped a lot of flak as well. It was viewed by many respondents as being annoying and unnecessary. Oh well, at least it was turned to good use in season 6!
Thanks to everyone who took part in the discussion and sent me messages on the subject. It was greatly appreciated.
LAST UPDATE ON 25th September 2009, 6.21AM Australian Time
24 de septiembre
Seguimos hablando del estreno de la 7ª temporada, ya que la euforia sigue, aunque hasta el momento hoy no se han apuntado tanta gente nueva, pero sí que desde el martes hemos subido cerca de 200 personas nuevas y para el martes que viene habremos subido más.
El subidón sigue después de la adrenalina de la anticipación ya que los medios estadounidenses recogen lo fabuloso que fue el estreno y de las ejemplares actuaciones de Harmon y Weatherly. ¿Cuándo llegará el bajón? Esperemos que no llegue pronto, pero que tengamos una buena dosis de serotonina hasta que lleguemos a los notorios ‘sweeps’ que parecen dictar que programa seguirá la siguiente temporada, asi que no nos gastemos todo el fuelle todavía.
Lo que no acabo entender es como no toca ni haya tocado un Emmy para esta serie en cualquiera de sus modalidades porque hay que ver los componentes del reparto fijo son unos actorazos del copón, y 2 ellos con mucha experiencia detrás sus espaldas, sin olvidar a los de la nueva horneada que demuestren su talla vez tras vez. Aunque me da que en los Emmy como los Oscar hay mucho amiguísmo por no hablar de divismo, lo cual directamente echa por tierra la esperanza de esta serie de llevarse algún palmarés. Dicho esto, creo que poco les importan los premios, ya que son de los que trabajan duro para fabricar un producto bien hecho, seguro que si se solicitan la Q de calidad, les dan el certificado de buenas a primeras; porque si hay algo en que esta serie destaque por encima de la gran mayoría es la calidad con letra mayúscula, lo cual no es moco de pavo viendo toda la chabacanería que anda suelto en las cadenas de televisión por ambos lados del charco.
¿Y qué nos depara el siguiente capítulo ‘Reunión’? Promete desde luego si nos basamos en las fotos que tenemos y el resumen. Entretanto esta noche tenemos en LaSexta ‘Hide and Seek’ que debería traducirse por ‘El Juego del Escóndite’ pero a saber…. al menos no tenemos partidos de baloncesto o futbol para jodernos la vida esta semana, que ya es algo, ya que parece que todas las semanas desde que se estrenó la 6ª aquí que sucede algún evento deportivo para marearnos la pérdiz y encrispar a la peña, y aunque razón tenemos también sabemos que no nos harán ni p…. caso.
Una pregunta más ¿nos tendrán piedad y echarán la 7ª nada más terminar la 6ª dentro un mes? Me supongo que no será más que un sueño por nuestra parte, pero de la ilusión se vive, ya que un poco ilusos ya somos, pero tan fieles como DiNozzo el fiel san bernardo de Gibbs….
Y con esto y un bizcocho se acabó lo que se dió… que luego nos reuniremos delante el televisor a eso de las 22.15 esta noche para ver a los Giblets en acción.
LAST UPDATE ON 24 de septiembre de 2009 21:40H – CET
23rd September 2009
NCIS Intel Analyst Nikki Jardine was only in three episodes of season 5, but I personally felt the character had real potential and could add a lot to the show.
We first met Nikki in “Leap of Faith”. We discover her germ-phobia. Both Tony and Gibbs go out of their way to torment the poor woman. Tony by pretending to sneeze on her, Gibbs by fondling the door handle of the Director’s office door, making it impossible for Nikki to open the door to get out without contracting “Gibbs Germs”. The look on Nikki’s face as she watches Gibbs do this is priceless. As is Jenny’s when she realizes what Gibbs is up to. Nikki does manage to impress Gibbs however. She gets a “well done” from him when she obtains the dead man’s sister’s telephone number for him. Nikki’s face lights up at this gentle praise. The old Gibbs’ charm strikes again!
Nikki returned in “Stakeout”. Mostly only to deliver a carefully contrived message from Tony to prank Ziva. That Nikki is prepared to help Tony with this suggests she has forgiven him for “sneezing” on her.
Nikki’s final appearance in the episode “In the Zone” shows what a complicated character Nikki really is, and we learn the reason behind her germ-phobia. Nikki goes all out to assist the family in Iraq that saved her brother’s life. Her brother lies in hospital in a coma. Comatose people are in dire risk of contracting infections. Hence Nikki’s germ-phobia.
With Nikki being an intel analyst, she would be a great asset to the NCIS series. However, as much I would like to see the character return, I don’t think she will. Nikki appears to have been created for that one small story arc. One of the many characters who appear in two or three episodes and then disappear never to be seen again. A pity, because she was one of the better ones.
LAST UPDATE ON 24th September 2009, 6.28AM Australian Time
Date 23rd September
As one might expect today’s blog revolves around Season 7 premiere which aired yesterday 22nd September 2009, however, since I live in Europe I have yet to see it, although I’m aware it is possible to view via the internet, I’d rather watch it on the TV. Not that I would have been able to see yesterday anyway since I was working against the clock doing a 36 hour stint.
Anyhow, getting back to the matter in hand, i.e. S7 premiere, I should first of all like to congratulate our fellow moderator #1hotchfan for her excellent recap, done first in real time (during the commercial breaks) and then tidied up, producing a fantastic detailed composite picture of the episode, that I was able to appreciate what a great episode it was. So if you haven’t congratulated #1hotchfan yet, might I suggest you do so either via PM or a compliment for the hard work of retelling the episode as she was watching it, so that the rest of us might enjoy it. This is no mean feat, since you have to remember details, tell the story in sequence order, not to mention making it readable without adding personal opinions, which is what most of us would do, I include myself, mainly because I’m hopeless when it comes to retelling events beyond sparse details; another reason to feel proud of the work done by #1hotchfan. Zorionak guapetona!
Although I haven’t gone into the discussion threads regarding yesterday’s premiere, I have perused them briefly, and was pleased to observe that the general feeling among fans, is that it was an exceptional episode. In fact, one member here has taken the time and trouble to look into the ratings for yesterday’s airing and it seems they rocketed sky high, way off the charts – Zorionak Cast, Producers, Scriptwriters and all involved, this is fantastic news. And hopefully this will be the tonic for the season as a whole.
More points about yesterday, since about 8pm CET (12 midday or 2pm depending on whether you’re west or east coast in the US), there has been an avalanche of new members to this site, I would estimate in the region of 100 or more, since I don’t recall the figure we were at yesterday before this avalanche started, which peaked around the minutes before airing and on termination of the episode, to continue at a steady rhythm throughout the day. Well, in fact since mid-March this year we have virtually doubled membership – eat your heart out Grissom & Co.!!!
I think all these events demonstrate the steady yet constant consolidation and rise of NCIS. Those of us, who have followed the series from its beginning (excluding the JAG episodes, which many of us haven’t seen, such as yours truly – deplorable dubbing in Spanish and the wooden lead actors…), have seen a study progression in quality on all levels, not to mention the cohesion among the cast both past and present; and even the episodic actors, uncommon in TV series, where there’s usually a lot of ups and downs, with frequently more downs than ups. But then as I think I mentioned in another blog NCIS is like a long distance runner, marking a steady pace without waning, just steadily gaining ground on those who rushed past, such as the CSI syndicate, House, Grey’s Anatomy, etc., whose adrenaline is starting to drop. In fact, when you think about it NCIS is very much like Aesop’s fable the Hare and the Tortoise, and we all know who won the race.
What more can I say, except that I’m looking forward to #1hotchfan‘s episode recap next week to stay on the same page as the rest of you, while we in Europe await the airing of S7 some time in the new year or release of the DVD, whichever comes first, and it may well be the latter.
In case I haven’t already mentioned it, although it’s worth repeating, please congratulate #1hotchfan on her grand effort, I know I for one, would hate to have to do an episode recap in any language.
Just one more thing before I sign off, please convince those around you, who have yet to be seduced by NCIS, to become addicted and join us on this site, the most complete on the web.
Y con esto y un bizcocho, se acabó lo que se dió.
LAST UPDATE ON 23rd September 2009 9:50 PM – CET